Tag Archives: Microsoft

Dear Microsoft

What a ripoff.  Someone buys a new computer and Office 2007 software with promise of upgrade to Office 2010 when it is released but you put a time limit on when it expires to upgrade.

Now I can understand the limit on buying the software but when someone spends the money and then you only give them so many days to upload a new version that is really not fair.

I bought a new computer in June and purchased the Office 2007 software in order to upgrade to the 2010.  When I first tried to upgrade there were problems doing it and I didn’t have time to make it work so I had to put it aside.  Time passed and then I downloaded the trial version of Office 2010 and was using it.  More time passed and before my trial version ran out I discovered that my deal had expired.

I tried contacting you about the situation and give you a chance to make it right but you stuck by your guns: I had missed the deadline…SOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I’ve learned my lesson.  No more purchases from Microsoft with any promises attached; and quite possibly no more purchases period.  I’m out over $100.

I have been really faithful to your products but no more.  Hmmm, where did you say that Apple store was?


A very disappointed customer.